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Section 1: Introduction

This course is designed to provide players, officials, parents, coaches and club volunteers including COVID-19 Monitors with all the necessary information to safely return to cricket as the country moved out of COVID-19 lockdown.

By the end of the course you will..


  • Have information on Covid-19, how it spreads, the symptoms and what to do if you suspect symptoms.

  • Understand the Scottish Government's approach to ensuring we all stay safe

  • Understand Cricket Scotland's Return to Cricket guidance 

  • See the changes to cricket matches that clubs are making to ensure players and coaches can safely return to activity

  • Have a clear understanding on what to do Before, During and After cricket activity to protect yourself and others


What is COVID-19

Covid-19 is a severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is currently the cause of a worldwide pandemic as the virus is highly infectious and at present there is no effective treatment. 


Most people (80%) who are infected present with mild symptoms whilst some some do not have any symptoms at all.  Like other viral infections, individuals who have Covid-19  are infectious for up to 2 days before they have symptoms, meaning the virus is spread before an individual is aware they even have it.

Symptoms of COVID-19


Common symptoms include:

  • a cough

  • high temperature

  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • a loss of or change to your sense of smell or taste (known as anosmia)


However, these symptoms are similar to lots of other illnesses, like common colds and flu. If someone has these symptoms it doesn’t necessarily mean they have coronavirus.

Staying Safe

© 2020 Cricket Scotland

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